Monday, August 13, 2012

Week Twenty-Nine

Well, I've been a little busy as of late! I've gotten somewhat behind in my photos, so bear with me. :) I'll be posting the one's that I haven't had time to post as quickly as I can. The last blog post was about my trip to California, and it just so happened that a week later I went out of town again! But, without further ado, I must first share that I have acquired a new lens. Well, a new optic. A fisheye optic to be exact! It's for my composer Lensbaby. :D
And man, are those things fun to shoot with. It's like an addiction.

 there's something about fisheye lenses that automatically evokes the ridiculousness out of people.

but, in my opinion that's a good thing.
life's too short not to be. :]

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