Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Week Thirty

My brother and I had the opportunity to spend some time in New York City this summer. :] We were on a road trip driving my Grandfather's car back home from New Hampshire, so we stopped along the way! I didn't have time to take a well-thought out photo, so I had to pull a typical selfie. It's pretty grainy, but oh well.


Yes, I realize these are all of Grand Central Station, but it's such a beautiful place. :] Every time I walk into it, my breath is taken away. It's just so... well, GRAND. The beauty of it is so majestic, and the ceiling just so happens to be my favorite color. Maybe I am a little biased, but we don't need to focus on that. ;) I think anyone would find it so lovely there. It's officially one of my places to be. <3

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