Sunday, April 29, 2012

Week Seventeen

 "Forever is composed of nows." -Emily Dickinson

That's some cerebrum ponderings to chew on. Makes you think.

 It didn't really look this creepy, I promise! ^^  New Hampshire is a rather joyous looking place. I just went slightly dramatic on the editing. Not really sure what this post is's kind of a mish-mash of things; warmth light and eerie forest blues. Next week I'll try and do something new. :]

 These photos were taken in the lovely Granite state, of course. <3
All of the rocks are beautiful, each one is a different color. Someday I'll have shelves and shelves piled high with rocks. Right now, it's a small collection, but someday I hope to have a rainbow of colors.

[just for fun, some hair craziness. :) I think I take way too many of these kinds of shots. It's just so fun!]

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